Thursday, September 25, 2014


 9/24 Journal

       Today was a rainier day than the others, with darker skies and colder temperatures. In some ways we felt the same, with an earlier start to the day of work ahead. Italian this morning was sort of a struggle, because some of us (including myself) were deprived of coffee. This is not a good thing, not a good place to be in mentally. Though prayers to the gods brought fertility to the day, and we were pleasantly surprised with a coffee break with chocolate cakes to go with. YUM! This made the class period from 0930 until 1230 much more bearable. Catia is a wonderful teacher though, as I have said; bless her heart she is very friendly, it's just a lot of information to sit through first thing in the morning without coffee.

       After lunch, we were finishing up our conversations and preparing to leave for the rooms to prepare for ART 321 when we were pleasantly interrupted. Our generous hostess gave us a guided tour of the family's villa. What amazing artwork it has, with such passion and glum flavor in a dark phase attitude. I was impressed with the condition of the 19th century furniture and older, which lined the "Red Lodge" an upper floor room that stored much of the hostess' artwork from her childhood (which was also very good and inspired from Picasso, in her own words) still hanging today. The villa goes on and goes on and goes on. It seems like an eternity of rooms, trap doors and secret passage ways. The rooftop view is incredible, and the Stoicism of the vines that wrap their way up and around the light posts and walls brings me back in time. I feel almost like I should write music to describe this place, not only a blog or through words. A picture can tell 1000 words, but music paints pictures that cannot be seen with the eye. Through colors not seen but felt, inhaled and lived.


We think we age, we think we tire we know that one day we will retire.
Though how can one just simply know how or when, to dust we'll go?

I see the vines wrap around the the walls, the sole life that remains.
Though within these walls here I stand, I feel somehow I'm stained.

The halls, the shadows, your spirits weep in hollows.
I feel your pain, your darkness still, as my voice, it echoes.
I hear a song, this song of time softer still, it hums a tone that brings a chill.
The chill of age, a cycle unstoppable one that I have joined.
Along with you my friend in wine, together with time we'll shine.

So why not sit and smile, while we have some time, and enjoy the wine?
As it  ages so do we, and with that time we join hand with wisdom.
A wisdom we learn not from book nor nor legend, but a lesson we learn in time.

1 comment:

  1. Please post pictures of your host and friends if you can. Your writing is very descriptive!
